Friday 11 February 2011

Too tired to craft?

I have had such a busy week at school that, by the time I get home, do all the family things and then do more school things,  I'm just too tired to think about making anything. Some nights I struggle to keep my eyes open. Tonight I am battling with my fatigue.
I want to craft.
I will craft.
If I could just get off this sofa!
I'm going to try a stong latte and look for inspiration in my latest magazine.
Do you juggle a job, family and a craft hobby?
How do you do it?! (Any tips gratefully received!)
Not wanting to moan at my bloggy friends, I'll leave you with a photo of the felt brooch I have for sale in my Folksy shop. A cream felt flower with a silk sari waste centre with wire and seed beads. I love these colours, so rich against the pale felt.


  1. I know just what you mean. Had intended to do more sewing before the hub got home with our dinner, but now curled up in bed staying warm and watching David attenborough! Laaaaazy!
    Usually I grab whatever time I do have and use a timer to remind me to take breaks, change task, go run errands. But sometimes I forget about it, and when it goes off I nearly pee myself... maybe that's not such a good tip.

  2. Becky, I was a primary/nursery teacher for many years and I think it is the most exhausting job in the world - know exactly how you are feeling :)
    That's a lovely brooch - hope you get a chance to be creative over the weekend, Liz x


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