Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter Explorations!

Sorry, another chunk of time has elapsed between my posts, but there has been little to write about. To be honest, work has been busy, the garden has needed it's springtime tidy and when I have had a little time to craft I just haven't had any enthusiasm.
I have been planning to have a giveaway for a while (my first blogging anniversary came and went) and still a lack of interest prevailed. I thought the Easter hols would revitalise me, but no, instead a nasty cold has taken hold and so the first week of the hols has passed in a fluffy of tissues and olbas oil!

 I did find the motivation to put the Easter tree up, I can't believe it was 12 months ago when I felted these eggs. The buds on the hazel twigs have opened in the warmth of our home and I'm hoping I might be able to get these branches to root.

We were fortunate to have it dry on Easter Sunday and so were able to do our egg hunt in the garden. A card from the Easter Bunny gave us our instructions before we set off on our search...

So off they went, hand-in-hand, buckets at the ready.

Two trips round the garden were needed, plus a few warmer/colder clues, before we completed our search!

The chickens watched on inquisitively (we're down to three as one sadly died a couple of weeks ago).
Buckets full and search completed, we head back inside. But, what is this? Do we have mice?

No, just a cheeky chappy helping himself! But look what was inside!

How sweet!

Two posts are planned for this week; one about a little bit of felting and a second about the garden, in which I have been far more productive.
Wet and miserable here today. I hope you have all had better weather for your bank holiday than we have had here in grey, drizzly Cornwall!
Becky x


  1. I hope you are getting over your cold - not a nice way to spend the first week of your holiday. I remember those lovely felted eggs from last year - so pretty! That hazel looks lovely too.
    Maria x

  2. OOh poor you Becky hope you feel better soon- bugs always choose holidays to strike!
    Glad you have been able to be creative in your garden - the egg hunt photos look cool!
    Love your twisty hazel covered in colourful decos - those felty eggs are great!
    Our weather has been wet and grey too - but as we had a couple of relaxing indoor days planned it worked quite well!
    Hope everything brightens up for you soon!!
    Ali x

  3. Hope you are back on the mend now & love that little chick at the end!

  4. What a lovely Easter Egg Hunt! Your Easter tree looks so pretty with your felted eggs. Hope you are feeling a bit better and I look forward to your next posts x

  5. Hi Becky. I know how you feel - I have been laid low all Easter with a cold that has hit my sinuses and made me really light headed resulting in no posts and no idea of what to post!! Glad you were able to do your Easter hunt. I love the little chicken in the egg - he's so cute. Hope you are feeling better. Lily. xxx


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