Wednesday, 23 January 2013


It is coming... there are clues if you look hard enough for them.
Everywhere you look, nature is slowly getting ready...

Good things come to those who wait...
Becky x

Emma - thanks for waiting! Next post, I promise ;)


  1. I love discovering those little signs and clues of spring around the corner. Beautiful photos, Becky - I think Cornish spring may be a little closer than Yorkshire spring! Liz xx

  2. Hehe right now I am waiting for my lunch to go down so I can have a custard slice! These flowers are very pretty, I can't wait to see our garden begin to blossom again!

  3. I first viewed your pictures when we were under cover of a white wonderland...the heavy rain is washing it all away as I type so I am looking forward to seeing whether the just flowering pink hyacinth is still there and the daffodil and snowdrop shoots have survived!
    As Liz mentioned I think you are closer to spring than we are too!
    Ali x

  4. I love the first light green haze that shows on the trees and hedges that sow spring in the way - my mum and I get very excited about it when we first notices it on our little day trips out and about!


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