Saturday, 2 June 2012

Sad Times

Every now and then things happen that make you question the meaning of life. Three weeks ago my neighbour collapsed in the road from a bleed on the brain. She died 24 hours later. She was only 69, fitter than me and ate all the right things. Her husband has an enlarged heart and has not been well for many years and, in truth, we all thought he would go first.

Her funeral was last Monday. The night before her husband was in a very distressed state and my husband went in to try and calm him. We had a leaky washer in our toilet cystern and, as we are on a meter, I decided to fix it. When I went to turn the stop cock off water gushed out everywhere. This was shortly followed by a phone call from my Dad who was unable to get hold of my Grandad. It was one of those times when I felt completely out of control and wasn't sure which problem to deal with first. To make things worse, I couldn't get hold of my Mum to look after the children and in the past my lovely neighbour would have done this. 

After contacting Grandad's neighbour we found out he had fallen and been lying on the floor for 24 hours. He is 91. He was taken to A&E where they found he was dehydrated and confused. I somehow managed to fix the stop cock with some PFT tape, tracked down my Mum and we arrived at A&E at the same time as the ambulance.

We've been on an emotional roller coaster all week. Some days he has been a little better, others worse. Yesterday he seemed much better and we have asked him if he would like to come and live with us now which he has agreed to. For 91 he is amazingly healthy, we just need to make sure he drinks lots so he doesn't get dehydated again.

So, that's why I've been so quiet recently. I haven't lost my blogging mojo, I really miss it, and I will be popping in and out to see you all, but now I have a house to clear and a Grandad to move in so my visits may remain infrequent!

I hope the bank holiday finds you all well and brings you a little sunshine.

Becky x

PS. I included a few photos of the flowers in the garden, that I have been meaning to share with you a while, to try and brighten this post a little. x
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